Turning Events Into Moments
Now Booking for the 2025 Wedding & Event Season!
How to find us
If you are using an online service like Google Maps or a GPS:
If you chose not to enter "The Harding Allen Estate" as your intended location and want to enter an address instead - please read the instructions below!)
Our main entrance is off of Rt. 122, just past Barre Common. In the center of Barre, the street name of Rt. 122 is West Street.
We don't have a number officially assigned to this entrance, but if you enter '40 West St.' into your GPS, it will bring you directly across from our entrance.
You can also use an intersection to find us. There is a small side street called Newton Street just a few yards from our driveway. Entering 'West St. & Newton St.' should also work.
Our legal address is 59 Allen Drive, but do not use this to navigate, as this is not our main entrance. It is so small a street that it doesn't show up on most computer services. In fact, sometimes
they will point to Allen Hill Road instead, which is in an entirely different part of town.

From Boston and Points East via Rt. 2 (approx. 90 min.)
There are two routes you can take to us from Route 2. This is the most common route.

Your first route option is:
Take Route 2 West to Gardner
Take Exit 22 onto Route 68 South
One mile past the center of Hubbardston, take a right onto Route 62 West at the 4-way (sign reads "Barre, 7 Miles") - or see shortcut below*
Proceed on Route 62 to Barre Common Center
See Barre Common directions below
* Note: there is a small shortcut you can take between Routes 68 and 62. In the center of Hubbardston, past the post office and police station, right by a large church, there is an intersection with a flashing yellow light. Turn right here onto Elm St., which soon turns into Barre Rd. This little road will take you to Rt. 62 in a couple fewer miles. (When you reach the intersection with Rt. 62, you'll see the road for the Barre Falls Dam ahead of you; turn right here.)
This is another route that we've had success with. You may find that it's a little quicker.
Take Route 2 West to Templeton
Take Exit 21 onto Route 2A/Route 101 South
After one mile, in the Templeton town common, Route 2A and Route 101 split. Take a left at the gazebo to stay on Route 101 South. (There will be a large yellow building on your left.)
Very shortly after that, turn left onto Barre Rd.
Continue straight on Barre Rd. for about 15 minutes. Once you cross into Hubbardston, Barre Rd. will turn into Burnshirt Rd. Soon afterward, Burnshirt Rd. will merge into Williamsville Rd. Williamsville Rd. turns into School St. as you approach the Barre Common
See Barre Common directions below

From Boston and Points East via Mass Pike (approx. 90 min.)
Take Route 90 West, the Mass Pike, to Auburn
Take Exit 10 onto Route 12 South
After a mile or two, Route 12 briefly merges with Route 20 West; when they split again, take Route 20
After a few more miles, turn right onto Route 56 North
Take Route 56 to Paxton
Turn left onto Route 122 North
See Barre Common directions below
Note: it is also possible to get onto Route 122 North directly from the Mass Pike, using Exit 11 in Millbury. You can also take Exit 10 off the Pike onto Route 290 North, and then take Exit 13 onto Route 122. However, these routes take you through the center of Worcester, which is slow and very confusing to navigate. We've found that the route above, though less direct, is much easier to follow, and may actually save you a little time.
From Worcester (approx. 25 min.)
Take Rt. 122 North all the way to Barre
See Barre Common directions below
(We are roughly 20 minutes from Holden, MA!)
From Points West via Mass Pike
Take Route 90 East, the Mass Pike, to Palmer
Take Exit 8 onto Route 32 North, which will take you all the way to Barre
Turn left onto Rt. 122/32 North
See Barre Common directions below
Note: occasionally we find that people coming to us on the Mass Pike from Boston or points east will see these directions and travel all the way to Palmer. Do not do this! Consult the Points East directions above, instead.

From Barre Common
Once you've reached Barre Common, you're just about to us. This will bring you the rest of the way:
If you're not on it already, get onto Route 122/32 North, which cuts through the common diagonally
Route 122/32 will bear left as you leave the common, with the Jenkins Inn on the left-hand corner. Be sure not to continue straight up Pleasant St. instead of following Route 122/32.
The Estate is just a few houses up on the left after that. We're recessed quite a way from the road, so watch for our sign.
We're directly across from the Henry Woods Memorial Building, which also serves as the town police station.